Friday 24 May at 11am
We welcome the founder of the LDN Research Trust, Linda Elsegood to discuss the use and treatment of LDN. Linda will be providing an introduction to LDN, how it works and her own personal experiences of using the treatment.
LDN has been used in the USA to treat symptoms of autoimmune conditions, including MS since 1985 and is now used throughout Europe and around the world. LDN is used ‘off label’ as a treatment for the symptoms of many conditions including Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and ulcerative colitis, all conditions with an autoimmune origin.
Naltrexone is thought to inhibit endorphins (the body’s natural painkiller) resulting in the body reacting to produce more. This increase in endorphins reduces pain and increases a sense of wellbeing.
In the session, Linda will cover the following
The session aims to provide you with information on how LDN could be used to help manage your MS symptoms. For more information please visit our website to download our LDN Choices booklet or visit the LDN Research Trust website.
If you can’t make the session live, don’t worry as we will be recording the presentation and will make it available to watch again for all those registering in advance.
To join this session, please login or register in our Portal area. The session is free to join if you have a monthly or year subscription. You do not need a subscription to join, as you can register and provide a donation for the class. The suggested amount for the class is £5. If you unable to make a donation, please contact us to see how you can access the online classes.
A recording will be made available after the class and can be viewed if you have purchased a ticket either before or after the class has taken place.
If you would like to know more or you are having trouble registering, please contact us at
In October 2003, Linda was diagnosed with secondary progressive MS and told there was nothing anyone could do to help. In December 2003, Linda started LDN and it was life-changing for her and in February 2004, she foundered the LDN Research Trust, which became a registered Charity in 2004.
LDN had such a significant impact on her life that she wanted to help other people not only with MS, but all autoimmune diseases, cancers, mental health issues, etc. So far, the charity has helped over a million people worldwide.
The LDN research Trust own LDN Radio Show, which listeners can access on Mixcloud, Captivate FM, Google, Apple & Amazon Podcast, iTunes and Spotify in addition to our Vimeo and YouTube channels.
They have made six documentaries, arrange LDN conferences both large and small, and host seminars in conjunction with pharmacies. In short, the LDN Research Trust strives to spread the word about LDN and to encourage and support ongoing research about the Low Dose Naltrexone.