Complementary therapies – managing MS symptoms

Shaun from the MS-UK helpline team

Wednesday 20 March at 2pm

In the upcoming information session for the latest review of our Choices booklets, Shaun Barton from MS-UK’s Helpline team and Tracy Harris, our online classes host, will guide us through what therapies there are to complement conventional treatment options.

During the session, Shaun will present the range of therapies available, covering those most commonly used by people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and the benefits they can bring to help manage symptoms. Examples of complementary therapies covered in the session and within the Choices booklet includes reflexology, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, oxygen therapy and other treatments.

Tracy Harris will join us to introduce three different activities from our weekly classes she leads for MS-UK, these which include chair yoga, qigong and meditation. To learn more about these classes, please click on the class links above. Tracy will then take us through a brief practice of each class, allowing participants to experience the benefits first hand.

Qigong, meditation and chair yoga offer numerous advantages for individuals with MS of which include symptom management and overall enhancing wellbeing. These practices are particularly valuable for their focus on relaxation, gentle movement, and mindfulness, addressing both physical and emotional challenges associated with MS.

Below are just some of the benefits of taking part in our three weekly classes can have

  • Stress reduction – all three practices emphasise relaxation techniques that can significantly reduce stress levels
  • Improved balance and coordination – qigong and chair yoga both incorporate gentle movements and postures that can help improve balance and coordination
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion – chair yoga involves gentle stretching exercises that can help improve flexibility and range of motion, which may be beneficial
  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus – meditation practices can help improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration, particularly helpful for individuals with cognitive symptoms
  • Boosted energy levels – qigong involves slow, flowing movements combined with deep breathing techniques, which can help increase energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Pain management – mind-body practices like qigong, meditation and chair yoga can help alleviate chronic pain associated with MS by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension
  • Improved mood and emotional wellbeing – taking part in these practices regularly can have a positive impact on mood and emotional wellbeing, helping to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Better sleep quality – meditation and relaxation techniques can promote better sleep quality, which is essential for overall health and can help alleviate fatigue and other MS symptoms

At the end of the session, there will be time for questions and answers, providing an opportunity for participants to inquire about and learn more about different complementary therapies and activities.

Our Choices booklet on Complementary and other therapies offers an overview of the most popular therapies for MS.