Subcutaneous Ocrevus shows almost complete suppression of relapses

Results from a phase III trial showed that Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) delivered as a subcutaneous injection taking just ten minutes and administered twice-yearly massively curtailed clinical relapses and brain lesions in people with both progressive and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS).

Researchers noted that in particular the treatment caused a fast and sustained reduction of B-cells in the bloodstream.

Dr. Levi Garraway, drug company Roche’s chief medical officer and head of global product development, expressed optimism about the substantial year-long data, which demonstrated near-complete suppression of relapse occurrences and minimal advancement of lesion formation. He highlighted the consistency of these outcomes with the established benefits of intravenous Ocrevus. Dr. Garraway emphasised Roche’s commitment to further engaging with regulatory authorities worldwide to potentially introduce an additional treatment avenue for individuals with multiple sclerosis, offering the advantage of a shorter injection duration.

In theory, this injection has the potential to expand the usage of Ocrevus to treatment centres without IV infrastructure or with IV capacity limitations.