Family care concept image, illustrating MS-UK's new corporate partner (Your Life Protected)

Meet our new corporate partner, Your Life Protected

Mike Derham from Your Life Protected Joins Forces explains why they have joined forces with MS-UK

We’re excited to share some big news. Your Life Protected has become a partner of MS-UK to help them continue supporting even more people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Our collaboration with MS-UK represents a significant step towards our dual mission of offering comprehensive life insurance while contributing to the wellbeing of the MS community. MS is a chronic condition that impacts the lives of many individuals and their families in the UK. MS-UK has been a pillar of support, providing essential services, information, and assistance to those affected by MS for over two decades. By joining forces with MS-UK, Your Life Protected aims to help those looking to secure financial security for their families, as well helping support the charity for the great work they do.

Now, let’s delve into why seeking specialist advice is paramount when it comes to securing life Insurance if you have multiple sclerosis.

Specialist advice

Thousands of people in the UK with MS may have tried to secure life insurance at some point. Some will have been successful, and some will not have been.

Many of those who have been accepted may well be paying far too much for their cover. This is often because it can be a timely process and many people are just happy to be accepted, so jump at the first offer they receive. Your Life Protected takes time to assess everyone individually and understand how the condition affects them before contacting each provider in the UK to identify the best available options. Clients can rest assured the cover offered is the best available for them and their families.

Why does MS impact life insurance?

Those with MS will know many of the potential associated symptoms, and it’s these symptoms that cause an increase in premium. As a rule of thumb, the more severe the symptoms, the higher the price you pay.

Those who experience mild or infrequent symptoms may see a minimal increase in their premiums, whereas people with continuous or more concerning symptoms may pay considerably more.

In the life insurance world, there is no one company that always offers the best pricing for a specific medical condition, this is why we take time to speak with every provider to ensure the advice we provide is the best possible fit for each client.

We have access to an extensive network of insurance providers which enables us to diligently explore numerous options on your behalf. You’ll also be able to expect more favourable terms than are available elsewhere.

Your Life Protected’s partnership with MS-UK serves as a testament to our commitment to making a positive impact in the community. The condition is also very close to home for Your Life Protected since employees and their family members are directly impacted by the condition, meaning it is understood not only on a professional, but a personal basis too. If you would like more information, or to discuss your options, get in touch today.
