Image of older woman and her carer to illustrate MS-UKs Care and Support website resources

Our Care and Support website resources have been updated!

Accessing the support and care that is right for you can sometimes be a seemingly endless and fruitless task. Navigating the internet maze and sifting through an abundance of information can be hugely time consuming and occasionally, be a source of tremendous anxiety.  

Back in 2022, and in reaction to demand from the MS community, we devised and launched our Care and Support website resources, which are designed to help anyone affected by MS make sense of the range of social support that is available to them.  

This resource is divided into three main areas, which are: 

  • Support for carers – information and signposting to the varied support available for people who care for anyone affected by MS 
  • How to access care – detailed information and signposting that is designed to aid understanding of the many care functions that are available to people affected by MS 
  • Finding support in your community – offers a summary of the different types of local support that may be available in your area, with signposting to relevant resources 

The feedback we have received from readers of these pages since they were published has been tremendously positive, with the common theme being that they have helped foster a better understanding of the different types of support and care available to members of the MS community. 

Readers of our popular Choices series of booklets will no doubt be aware that we periodically review each booklet to ensure that they contain the most up to date information. We also apply this approach to our other information resources and recently it has been the turn of our Care and Support pages to benefit from a little TLC! The content has been comprehensively revised, and updated where necessary, to ensure that the information we provide is relevant and the organisations we signpost to are still available.  

Please click HERE to view our revised Care and Support pages. We do hope that you find them a useful resource.