long covid and ms

Long Covid and MS – should I worry?

The medical science world is continuously working to understand better the long-term impact of Covid-19 on those who have recovered from the disease.

As time elapses, more will be known about the impact of what is loosely termed long Covid and particularly how it may affect people with neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

What is known to date is that some of the reported symptoms of long Covid are similar to those commonly associated with MS, these include fatigue, cognitive impairment, pins and needles, numbness and chest tightness. Therefore, for people affected by MS and Covid-19, one of the issues of concern going forward would be to ensure that if they experience any of these common symptoms, a full medical investigation is conducted to determine the root cause. By identifying the origin of the symptoms, appropriate treatment can then be administered, if required.

The NHS have created a website called Your Covid Recovery which provides information about long Covid and currently reported symptoms. Visit yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk

Do you have a question about MS? Call our Helpline weekdays between 10am and 4pm for information and emotional support on 0800 783 0518.