Graphic of Fatty acids contained in Neuroaspis plp 10

Dietary supplement reduced relapses in MS patients taking DMTs

A supplement called Neuroaspis plp 10 may lower relapse rates and disability progression in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are taking interferon beta drugs, a new small study in Greece has found.

Neuroaspis plp 10 is a dietary supplement that’s rich in omega-3 and omega- 6 fatty acids, plus antioxidant vitamins – things which experts recommend people with MS consume as they are thought to have anti-inflammatory effects. Fats like this are found in fish and nuts, and antioxidants are found in fruit and vegetables.

Researchers gave 28 people who had been taking interferon treatment for a minimum of six months Neuroaspis plp 10 orally half an hour before dinner. Another 27 MS patients took a placebo, which was olive oil. The participants were told not to change any of their usual dietary of exercise routine.

The study ran for two years and 19 people in the Neuroaspis plp 10 group and 20 people in the placebo group completed it.

After a year, for those taking the Neuroaspis plp 10, relapse rates were 0.13, and for the placebo group, 0.63. This represents an 80% relative reduction in relapse rate and continued for the two years, remaining statistically significant after adjustments were made.

Sustained disability progression risk was also lower after the two years at 18.8% for the Neuroaspis plp 10 vs 47.5% for the placebo patients.

When given MRI scans, the patients given the supplement had had a 51% lower rate of new or enlarging lesions compared with the placebo group, and rates of actively inflamed lesions were 71% lower.

The researchers said, “Neuroaspis plp10 may offer greater benefit to patients with RRMS when used as an [add-on] to the existing RRMS treatments.”