run for MS

#MSMakesMe Run

Sue Bennet explains how MS has spurred her on to achieve great fitness

#MSMakesMe run, and I am so glad it does. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1997. My daughter was barely two years old, and my son had just started secondary school.

I felt low and envisaged a very bleak future. My confidence dropped even further after a bad relapse with bilateral optic neuritis. However, to cut a long story short, I discovered a love for running, which I still have.

Running, I truly believe, has kept me going both physically and mentally and gives complete clarity to my days. I am also able to pass the knowledge and skills to others as I am now a coach in running fitness. I am in my 4th year of running every day, and for the past seven years have completed each London Marathon, always raising money for MS-UK.

I love taking part in running events and all that goes along with them. I am now in my 60s and, of course, age brings its own challenges – longer to heal from niggles and injuries, even more tiredness, but also a determination to keep going.

MS has in a way made me stronger, without it I do not think I could have envisaged my running journey as it has played out. So, for me it has allowed an exploration of opportunities, a sense of wellbeing by being able to raise money to “give something back,” and potentially help others. So #MSMakesMe run, and I am so glad it does.